AARP’s poll release comes on the same day that both Gardner and Hickenlooper released new television ads. Staiert said she asked that an outside attorney be appointed instead, but that request was rejected. Support local journalism around the state.Become a member of The Colorado Sun today! Latest Senate Polls. The complaint says the tax filing didn’t list any 2019 employers such as the Public Trust Institute or Maven Law Group, where she is of counsel. A one-time state representative, he beat incumbent Betsy Markey in 2010 to represent Colorado’s 4th District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Maybe campaigns care less about television commercials in an era of social media and wire-cutting consumers. Unite for Colorado — its work ranging from pushing ballot initiatives to subtly opposing Hickenlooper in the U.S. Senate race — is the subject of a complaint filed with the Secretary of State’s Office by Scott Wasserman, the president of Bell Policy Center and Bell Action Network. It is the first survey to show Gardner within five points of Hickenlooper and the fourth recent poll to show the race within single digits. But with the president’s polling slipping across the country they are worried the state won’t get enough attention. S. Click here to see the Senate forecast + Want to go back to the national forecast? What I saw on his laptop was the first cut of the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth commercial that would rock John Kerry’s campaign that fall. Republicans remain focused on hitting Hickenlooper. “Every mistake you make, every stumble, however magnified it is and however many [advertising] points get put behind it, always potentially makes things closer,” said Alan Salazar, who was a strategist in Hickenlooper's gubernatorial office and is now chief of staff to Denver Mayor Michael Hancock. Latest Senate Polls. It’s the newest twist in a nasty campaign filled with mailers and digital and TV advertising that question her past job as deputy secretary of state. He jumped out of an airplane to stump for Referendum C in 2005 and may have contributed to drought conditions in Colorado with the number of showers he took in a commercial during his first gubernatorial campaign. One Democrat close to Hickenlooper, who requested anonymity to speak frankly, said he had a “rough couple of weeks” but predicted the ethics headlines would be a “bump in the road.”, “The general election should tighten, and Hickenlooper needs to do more than just successfully raise money," this Democrat said. That could spell big trouble for Cory Gardner. This story is a part of #FollowtheMoneyCO, a project of the Colorado News Collaborative (COLab), edited by The Colorado Sun with support from the Colorado Media Project. Reports say we can get our cues — or is it Qs? Hickenlooper has focused his bid on his success as governor, pointing to Colorado’s booming economy under his leadership and other successes, including the state’s implementation of all-mail elections, which have become a national flashpoint. 5280 Publishing, Inc. For Cory Gardner, who has already dodged the question, the nightmare would be that he’d have to make the deciding vote. “They haven’t spent anything pumping their own candidate up and they’ve just spent all the money trying to tear me down,” Staiert said. Warren's backing is especially notable: She's trusted by many progressive voters, and she just bucked the DSCC's preferred candidate in Kentucky, endorsing a liberal opponent instead — in a race far less important to Democrats' efforts to reclaim the Senate. The other outstanding issue is the criminal complaint Staiert filed with the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office against the Democratic group Leading Colorado Forward. Luckily for Hickenlooper, Cory Gardner’s commercials may be even worse. Want exclusive political news and insights first? In May, AAA forced him to tweak one for potential copyright infringement. Wasserman questioned whether the relationship between Staiert and Unite violates laws that prohibit coordination between candidates and independent spending committees. The issue goes to a hearing Sept. 30, with a lawyer from the Colorado Attorney General’s Office representing the Secretary of State’s office. Other recent mailers cite 2013 tweets from Staiert’s since-deleted account that criticized the ethics commission as a “kangaroo court.” That mailer called her a “Trump-like Twitter troll.”. Staiert said that isn’t true. Trump trails Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee, 50% to 40% in the state, according to the AARP survey. John … And it argues that incumbent lawmakers may file tax returns instead of the state form, but that the provision doesn’t apply to candidates. Mario Nicolais is an attorney and columnist who writes on law enforcement, the legal system, health care and public policy.

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