On January 25, 1988, Hoyos was kidnapped by the Medellin Cartel on the way to the Medellin airport. Fuentes was known as “The Lord of the Skies” due to the large fleet of jets he used to smuggle drugs from Columbia to Mexico and the US, as well as ferry laundered cash back to Colombia. …. ¡elígelos! Escobar had accused the three men of stealing from him. Tiempo, Casa Editorial El (8 de abril de 2001). The alleged head of La Oficina De Envigado. Ese año, los narcos nucleados en el Cártel de Medellín y en el grupo de Los Extraditables, tenían al Estado contra las cuerdas. On February 14, 1990, to show solidarity in the fight against narco-trafficking, President Bush, along with Colombian President Virgilio Barco, and the Presidents of Bolivia and Peru attended the Cartagena Drug Summit in Cartagena, Colombia. Turbay was a well-known and respected journalist in Colombia who founded “Noticiero Cripton”, a television news station, and “Hoy Por Hoy” a weekly magazine. On September 17, 1987, he became the General Inspector of the nation. In 2008 during his second term on the council, he became president of the municipal council. Fue un informante infiltrado llamado o contratado en nombre del Cartel de Cali, pero no perteneciente a él, al cartel de Medellín. Sin embargo, a principios de la década, el autodenominado grupo MAS (Muerte a Secuestradores) podría citarse como el precursor de ese auge paramilitar. He has been called the “Colombian Ronald Reagan”. In May 2005, he was arrested by Colombian police for his participation in the murder of a local politician. Carlos Mario Alzate Urquijo alias “El Arete” (b. Eight years after his release, he was arrested again, and accused of contributing knowledge and receiving payments for cocaine shipments. Pon a prueba tus conocimientos con el crucigrama de EL TIEMPO. b) ¿Cuál fue el principal motivo de la construcción de esta Fortaleza? He studied civil engineering and management at the University of Medellín and political science at the Pontifical Bolivarian University. As President of Colombia, Virgilio Barco took a hard stance against narcotraffickers. He was Pablo’s bodyguard and commanded the sicarios working for the cartel. Born Luis Fernando Galeano Berrío in Itagüí, Antioquia, Colombia. Another drug cartel based in the Colombian city of Cali. The commander of the Colombian National Police in Antioquia. Ronald Reagan (b. February 6, 1911- d. June 5, 2004). Tiempo, Casa Editorial El (4 de febrero de 2002). Tres décadas después, el Mexicano sigue siendo uno de los criminales más sanguinarios que vio Colombia en su historia, alguien que como Escobar también era adorado por muchos, y que al momento de morir, en su pueblo natal de Pacho (Cundinamarca), fue acompañado por cientos de personas en un multitudinario sepelio. He served in congress, and as a municipal judge and councilman in El Retiro, Antioquia. Allí hizo alianza con Gilberto Molina, el primer zar de las esmeraldas, y luego con su sucesor Víctor Carranza, con el que terminaría por romper relaciones y enfrentarse a sangre y fuego buscando el control del negocio durante la década del 80. In 1982 Reagan declared a War on Drugs in an effort to combat the rising levels of cocaine addiction and crack epidemic in the US. … Tiempo, Casa Editorial El (6 de febrero de 2020). Virgilio Barco Vargas began his career in politics in 1943 as a city councilor. In 1989, Rodriguez-Gacha was killed along with his son, during a shoot-out with police just outside of Cartagena. On February 7, 1985, during an undercover assignment, his cover was blown, and he was tortured and killed by Mexican drug cartel members working for drug lord Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo. One of the leaders of the Norte del Valle Cartel, or North Valley Cartel. Tiempo, Casa Editorial El (12 de agosto de 1990). Pablo Escobar famously declared war against the Colombian government to force them to stop extradition with the United States. Kiko Moncada was a member of the Medellin Cartel. Tiempo, Casa Editorial El (20 de marzo de 1993). The killing of Galan would later reveal a bigger conspiracy involving not only the cartel but members of the Colombian political elite. He was sentenced to 30 years in a U.S. federal prison. La creación de estos grupos respondió a una traición de las FARC al capo narco, ya que hasta entonces los guerrilleros habían prestado seguridad a los hombres y negocios del Mexicano. Shortly after Pablo Escobar murdered Galeano at La Catedral Prison, Don Berna joined forces with Los Pepes, the paramilitary group responsible for hunting down Pablo Escobar. Tras una año entero de derrotas, el Gobierno del entonces presidente Virgilio Barco estaba urgido de un golpe contundente contra los narcos. Considered a giant in the world of Colombian journalism, Cano was the son of Fidel Cano Gutiérrez, the founder of the El Espectador newspaper. He is widely recognized for his unique style of writing called “magical realism”. His killing ignited a massive wave of violence and political unrest, leading to a bitter 10 year civil war, better known as La Violencia. According to authorities, the group is primarily involved in transnational narcotics trafficking and money laundering, but also linked to arms shipments and extorsion racquets.

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